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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - Лирицс транслатион то енглисх


Speech of 10th Year

Turkish Nation!
It has been 15 years since we start to combat. Today is a blessed day on which our secular land completes her tenth year.
May it be celebrated!
Now, as a part of this nation, I am in a great excitement and happiness of experiencing this blesses day.
My folks!
We have done so many things in a brief time. The greatest one of those works is the Republic of Turkey which its foundation lays on Turkish braveness and Turkish culture.
We owe that success to the determined working of Turkish folks and their valuable army.
But we can never get enough of what we have done. Because we have to and are full determination of accomplishing more and bigger workds. We shall make our land reach the level of developed and civilised countries. We shall make our land have large and welfare information sources. We shall reach the level of contemporary civilization.
To do so, we should take into consideration the current situation and events of todays world not the the outmoded, the frivolous mindset. Compared to the past, we shall work harder. We shall accomplish greater works at a shorter notice. I have no doubts that we shall succeed this as well. Because, the character of the Turkish nation’s is excellent. Turkish nation is hardworking. Because they knew how to overcame difficulties in a unity. And because, while taking steps in the road of civilization and developing, Turkish nation have science in their mindsets. I have to emphasize it momentously, one of the characteristic feature of excellent Turkish nation is that they teasure art and are making their mark with art. This is why that is our national ideal to always emphasize and annonce the excellent character, sedulity, innate hard brains,the love of arts ,the love of science, the bond of national unity of Turks in any time and make it live with meausures.
The ideal, which suits Turkish nation very well, shall make all people, in the way of genuine peace, reach the accomplishment of national serve.
Great Turkish Nation, you have heard my words promising accomplishments. I am happy that I had never failed with my words that might shake the confidence of my nation.
And today, with the same belief and certanity, I am confiding that the world shall hear about the greatness of Turkish nation taking steps as a unity to national ideal in a brief time for one more time.
For certain, I have no doubts that the forgetten and great cilivizated quality, capability of Turks, with the development hereupon, shall rise like a sun in the great civilised horizon.
Turkish Nation!
With every ten year running down to endlessness, I wish from the deep of my heart you to celebrate this great nation day with greater glories, enjoyments and in peace.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!
29th October 1933

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Najlepša zvezda

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Vatro hladna
Imaš sve sem hladne vatre
Moj odmor i mir bićeš dete
Napredovao sam da zauzmem mesto uz tebe

Tako umoran
Nebo je ono zbog čeg se osećaš oproban
To je trik da vidiš šire
To može sve osim da ti srce slomije na komade

U tvome sećanju ostaju
Filmovi i u prošlosti
Kako si kretala je jedino što se računa
Da pevam pesmu kako sam voleo
Zvezdu najlepšu

Jednoga dana
Iako bi to jednog dana moglo biti
Ti i ja ćemo se potpuno uzdignuti
Sve zbog onoga što si
Zvezda najlepša

Provedimo noć skupa

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Ma ne brini o tome šta mi se po glavi vrzma
Nisam u žurbi, imam vremena
Crvenim i jezik mi se umara
Van pameta usta mi se suše, naduvan sam

Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada

Osećam se tako jak da ne mogu da sakrijem, o Isuse
Al naprosto ne mogu da se izvinjavam, ne
Nemoj me spuštati, ma nemoj me razočarati
Boglibi se se zabaviti samo se unaokolo ludirati

Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada

Znaš smeškam se malena
Dušo treba ti malo usmeravanja
Samo odlučujem malena

Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada

Ovo mi se svaki dan ne dešava
Iako nemam izgovora
Zadovoljiću sve tvoje potrebe
A sad znam i ti ćeš zadovoljiti mene

Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa

Rekli su da smo balavi
Nije zabavna naša vrsta ljubavi
Ali ljubav naša dolazi odozgo
Uradimo to! Hajde da ljubav vodimo!

Hajde da provedemo noć skupa
Sad mi trebaš više nego ikada
Provedimo noć skupa sada

Koliko žalim

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)

Mnoge ljubavi sam upoznala, volela i ostavila
ali gde god sam se vraćala, tebe sam tražila
kroz hiljade snova, moje usne su te tražile
tražila te je moja duša i moje prikrivene strasti

Koliko žalim za izgubljenim godinama
pre nego što sam upoznala tebe, kog sam čekala dugo
ma kako se plašim, da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
jer da te zaboravim, nikada neću moći...

Lezi kraj mene, ljubavi slatka
želim ponovo da ti kažem...

Koliko se plašim da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
i kako da te zaboravim, kad te toliko volim...

Koliko žalim za izgubljenim godinama
pre nego što sam upoznala tebe, kog sam čekala dugo
ma kako se plašim, da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
jer da te zaboravim, nikada neću moći...

Lezi kraj mene, ljubavi slatka
želim ponovo da ti kažem...

Koliko se plašim da te možda jednog dana ne izgubim
i kako da te zaboravim, kad te toliko volim...

Our World is Beautiful (Villagers' Reprise)

From the highest point in the sky (To the end of the mines)
Where is the spark? (That illuminates us)

What did it look like?
If only we knew
If only this kingdom
Would become beautiful again